Clean Labeling in the Middle East Needs More Governance

Clean Labeling in the Middle East Needs More Governance | the360mix

As healthy eating becomes more popular in the region, many shoppers are looking for products with a clean label. Meaning, products that contain ingredients they can recognise and trust. Unfortunately, many of these so-called healthy products have all but healthy ingredients. 

One example of a brand manufactured in the region claims to be a healthy snack. Yet, it contains heavily processed ingredients, such as medium chain glycerides (MCT), polyglycerol, sodium hydrogen sulfite, ammonium and sodium bicarbonate.

It's time to implement clean labeling governance. This would enable people to make informed decisions when selecting a product without having to worry about consuming unrecognizable ingredients. Let's prioritize transparency and empower consumers with clear and trustworthy product information. 

Establishing standards for clean labels

The government should actively regulate the use of clean labels to ensure that shoppers in the Middle East are not misled by misleading claims made on food packaging. In order to make informed decisions, consumers require accurate information about the actual contents of a product.

In addition, holding companies producing and selling these products accountable for their claims is essential. This will also help reduce confusion amongst shoppers and promote healthier eating habits. In addition, it will encourage businesses to produce products with quality ingredients that meet the criteria of being both nutritious and safe for consumption.

Adopting the Nutri-Score system globally

The Nutri-Score system, a five-colour nutrition label, is designed to provide customers with an easy way to make informed decisions about their food choices. It serves as a governance tool for clean labeling, providing a standardized and transparent approach to assessing the nutritional quality of food products.

Several countries have implemented this system, but we should consider making it a global standard. Let’s explore the benefits.

Easy implementation

The Nutri-Score system is relatively easy to implement on a global scale. Companies only need to add color-coded labels on their products. This will allow customers to easily identify which foods are more nutritious than others at a glance. Furthermore, it makes it easier for people to make healthier food choices. Even people who are not consciously trying to lead a healthier lifestyle will benefit from being exposed to this information.

Adds value

The Nutri-Score system is beneficial for both consumers and food producers alike. Consumers can quickly scan labels for nutritional information, instead of having to read through lengthy nutrition fact panels. Plus, let's be honest, not everyone has the expertise to read nutrition labels.

The Nutri-Score system allows manufacturers to compare their products' nutritional values against each other. This empowers them to make sure they are providing quality options for their customers.

Encourages healthy eating habits

Having a consistent standard of nutritional labeling across all countries encourages healthy eating habits among consumers by creating more transparency in the food industry.

Consumers will be able to compare different brands of similar products and choose which one offers the best nutritional value. Something which would not be possible without an international standard of labeling. This could help reduce obesity levels worldwide as well as promote better health overall.

The impact of transparent labeling

Healthy eating is growing more popular in the Middle East and clean labeling helps people select products without worrying about consuming unrecognisable ingredients. The government has an important role in ensuring that clean labels accurately reflect what's inside each package so that customers can feel good about their selection without having any surprises after purchase or consumption.

implementing the Nutri-Score system globally would be beneficial, because it would add value and encourage healthier eating habits among consumers worldwide. It is an efficient way of providing customers with quick access to nutritional information without adding too much cost or complexity for manufacturers.

Transparent labeling also helps create an environment where companies must compete on nutrition rather than price or convenience. Something that could have a major impact on public health in years to come. 

Ultimately, making the Nutri-Score system a global standard could lead us closer towards achieving better health outcomes worldwide by promoting clean labeling and effective governance of nutritional information. 



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